

GFNY Zapopan starts and finishes in the Akron Stadium, also known as Chivas Stadium. This will be a fast and technical course. Even though the maximum gradients reach just 3%, you will be racing at 1680m elevation, which will add to the challenge.

Experience the adrenaline of a mass start GFNY race as you race through sights of Zapopan and the Guadalajara metropolitan area. Right at the start of the race, you will enter the JVC Circuit and then peddle onto the Guadalajara-Tepic Freeway.

When on the Adolfo Lopez Mateos Avenue, which you will glide North to South and back North again, make sure to take a sneak peak at the stunning Estampida Roundabout, feeling that horses are joining you on your ride to victory.

On the route you will view the historic center of Guadalajara passing many tourist attractions. Then be inspired by the iconic La Normal Roundabout, the space in the city created to promote physical activity and holds attractions for the whole family to enjoy.

Also, while your legs are on fire on Fray Antonio Alcalde Avenue, you will feel the passion of cycling in Jalisco, for this Avenue is known as the Ciclovia Alcalde, that is pure racing inspiration to kick you into high gear and thank the City.

You will complete the race loop back in the historic city of Zapopan. Medium distance riders will finish and get to celebrate their achievements, while long distance riders will head out for a second lap. Expect a full show at the finish, such as music bands, DJ, VIP area, pasta party and all the well-known festivities that the GFNY Mexico finish party always offers. 

Long Course

LONG COURSE IS A COMPETITION: Only the finishers of the long course are eligible for category rankings and Overall and Podium awards. If you want to race and be ranked in your category, you must complete the long course. Top 10% of finishers in each age group earn a spot in the Qualifier Corral at every GFNY World event.

Medium Course

MEDIUM COURSE IS NOT A COMPETITION: The riders of the medium course will be provided their start-to-finish time, but will not be ranked by finish time. All finish times will be listed in alphabetical order.

Cash prizes

Perks included as part of GFNY Zapopan

